Migration to ROS is ongoing…

A gentle introduction to ROS

As mentioned in the previous post, MyzharBot is migrating to ROS. One of the first step to realize was the porting of the interface to the RoboController board using modbus protocol. Well, it is ready! The rosnode that will perform the Motion Control of the Robot is able to connect to…

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The works on RGB-D goes on

Asus XTion Pro Live, test application

The works on Asus XTion Pro Live goes on. The grabber has been added to SDK even it is still in embrional phase. On Github you can find the test application (Test-AsusXTionProLive-OpenNI2) made in Qt5 and tested under Windows 8.1. The application tests the acquisition of the data from the…

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Video Server using Multicast is finally working

Multicast test

Finally, the Video Server is working using Multicast UDP protocol. There is no more limit to the number of clients that can connect to server, each client must only start binding to the correct port and can start to receive the frames asyncronously. I tested the code of the SDK…

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SDK modification in progress…


Before of moving the servers of the robot on the NVidia Jetson TK1 I decided that it is the time to modify the Network Architecture of the HLU. The main modification is on Camera Server and Status Server… until now they were polling servers and each client should be connected directly…

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New photo gallery: NVidia Jetson TK1 mounted and powered

Protection for NVidia Jetson TK1

A new photo gallery is available: the NVidia Jetson TK1 is now mounted on the upper horizontal base and powered by the 12V generated by the programmable DC-DC converter. Now it’s time to port the software on the new board and to start to create Computer Vision algorithms!!!

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MyzharBot now has full CUDA power: NVidia Jetson TK1 is here

NVidia Jetson TK1

Computer Vision needs full computational power to run real time algorithms for robotics application… now MyzharBot has got it: NVidia Jetson TK1 has arrived. The new brain is powered by a Tegra K1 SOC (4-Plus-1 quad-core ARM Cortex A15 CPU at 2.3 Ghz + Kepler GPU with 192 CUDA cores) the most…

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MyzharBot has got an eye… RobotGUI has got video!

VideoServer Test

Finally RoboControllerSDK has got Webcam Server and Webcam Client modules… using the Qt/OpenCV OpenGL widget, fully described on my personal blog, now RobotGUI is capable of showing the videostream coming from a webcam assembled on MyzharBot. The images are sent after a JPEG compression, as described in another page on…

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I made it!!! Qt 5.2.1 is ready on the Pandaboard ES


It’s been a long war… but finally I did it. My development PC with Xubuntu 13.10 is finally correctly configured and now it is cross-compiling Qt5.2.1 for the Pandaboard ES running Ubuntu Core 12.04… just one night of waiting. The whole procedure for the preparation of the operating system and…

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New client/server architecture under development

Communication Infrastructure

Until now I tested the SDK network communication between MyzharBot and the remote client using a single socket connection over TCP protocol. This can be enough if the messages exchanged are few, but when the system will be complete there will be a lot of messages to be exchanged: Control…

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