PID Tuner v0.1 is available

Pid Tuner v0.1

The release 0.1 ff the PID Tuner is finally available on Github: Software to tune the PID control on the uNav board 0 forks. 5 stars. 6 open issues. Recent commits: Update, Roberto D'Amico uNav parameters setting completed *EVERYTHING TO BE TESTED!!!, Myzhar Added missing files, Myzhar Modification…

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First steps with ROS… MyzharBot moves its tracks!

Here is the video of the first “steps” made by MyzharBot under ROS. In the last days I wrote down the code for the rosnode that will provide motor control: robocontroller_node. Using the “turtle_teleop_key” node, included in ROS, I tested that the communication between ROS and RoboController board was ok… and…

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