Tag: StereoLabs
A simple talk about Stereo Vision

The last weekend, 21-22 May, was held in Rome the annual event dedicated to robotics organized by the no profit association Officine Robotiche. For the third consecutive year I made a simple talk dedicated to artificial vision applied to robotics, to approach in a simple way the audience to this subject…
Nvidia Jetson TX1 as Access Point and a guide to configure ROS-OpenCV for Jetsons
[Tutorial] Stereolabs ZED on Nvidia Jetson TK1: the official getting started guide

On MyzharBot v4 the Asus Xtion Pro Live RGB-D sensor has been replaced by the Stereolabs ZED stereo camera, in order to overcome the limitations of the Primesense technology in outdoor environment under the direct sunlight. The installation of the ZED camera on the Nvidia Jetson TK1 is really straigthforward as…