A simple talk about Stereo Vision

The last weekend, 21-22 May, was held in Rome the annual event dedicated to robotics organized by the no profit association Officine Robotiche. For the third consecutive year I made a simple talk dedicated to artificial vision applied to robotics, to approach in a simple way the audience to this subject that is too often taken for granted, when in reality is much more complicated than it may seem.

This year the topic of my talk was the stereo vision, especially the stereo vision in real time applied to mobile robotics. In the talk I explained how the stereo vision works, the simplified mathematical models to achieve it and I proposed what for me is the best hardware to use to achieve real-time stereo vision, that is, the sensor ZED produced by  Stereolabs used with the card Jetson TX1 by Nvidia.

The slides of the presentation are available on SlideShare

Robots That See Like Humans

Robots That See Like Humans

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