Test of the integration of Ultrasonic Bumper with ROS framework

Ultrasonic Bumper Board - ROS test

In the following video you can see one of the first test of the integration of the Ultrasonic Bumper with the ROS framework. The test verifies the response time of two sensors mounted on the front panel of MyzharBot-v4. The ros_ultrasonic_bumper node acquires the ranges from the two sensors and publishes…

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Ultrasonic Bumper Board based on ST Nucleo32

Sonar Board prototype

The optical spatial sensors mounted on MyzharBot v3 and MyzharBot v4 have a intrinsic limitation that make it unable to perceive obstacle that are too near along its forward motion direction. Asus Xtion Pro Live does not see obstacles nearest than 50cm, Stereolabs ZED does not see obstacles nearest than…

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MyzharBot is joining the uNav project by Officine Robotiche


MyzharBot has started the migration to a new software configuration. Everything started from the uNav project by Officine Robotiche. Since MyzharBot is part of the new born italian amateur robotics group named “Officine Robotiche“, in the last few months we worked together to unify the software that drives the robots…

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Power distribution and filtering board is ready to work

Connecting the Power Distribution Board

Today I received the new PCB of the power distribution board … only half an hour of welding and the card is ready to be mounted on board of MyzharBot to replace the two prototypes. A few of new holes for nuts and bolts… the rectangular hole for the power…

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Power Distribution board sent to PCB Service

New Power Distribution & Filtering

On the wave of the success of the funding campaign on TakeOff Crowdfunding, MyzharBot is now waiting for its new board: the Power Distribution v1.0. The Power Distribution board joins the two prototypes visibile on the rear of MyzharBot into one single board providing both protection to power inversion and…

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