Ultrasonic Bumper Board based on ST Nucleo32

Sonar Board prototype

The optical spatial sensors mounted on MyzharBot v3 and MyzharBot v4 have a intrinsic limitation that make it unable to perceive obstacle that are too near along its forward motion direction. Asus Xtion Pro Live does not see obstacles nearest than 50cm, Stereolabs ZED does not see obstacles nearest than…

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Sonar Module… the PCB is almost ready

Sonar-PCB Working on...

With Mauro Soligo from katodo.com we are creating a support card for STM32F4-Discovery to handle up to 16 modules sonar (HC-SR04) for robotics applications. MyzharBot will use only 4 sonar sensors, but larger robots will be able to leverage the power of the new board. As usual the board is…

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