ROS: MyzharBot Virtual model and Asus Xtion Pro Live

MyzharBot model and RGB-D

I finally added Asus Xtion Pro Live to the virtual model of MyzharBot (not yet fully complete) in Rviz GUI. The result is the following To obtain this result you must run the following commands, every one in a different terminal: $ roslaunch ros_myzharbot_robot myzharbot.launch runs the “serial_bridge” node to…

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MyzharBot has been chosen for iNemo challenge

Discovery M1

Today I received the confirmation by email that MyzhzrBot has been chosen to partecipate to the italian issue of the iNemo challenge. In a few days I will receive my iNemo Discovery M1 board. I received the board by the postman just when I was writing this post as you…

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